2015 Class

7th December:  As this is the last gardening class for this school year we dug our potatoes and cut the lettuces that were ready along with other herbs and all got a bag full each to take home.  We have agreed that any vegetables that become ready over the school holidays can be donated to the Food Bank

30th November:  We made the seed bombs from water, clay and dirt with seeds of pumpkins, squash and peas and we bombed the side of the road close to the school.  If some of these seeds grow to become vegetables then they will be available to anyone who wants then  

9th November:  Hurray the gourd seeds have finally started to germinate.  Doug has brought us more cabbage seedlings to plant and a big bag of pea straw mulch to put amongst the garden plants to keep the moisture in the ground. 

2nd November:  Jason, Liam and Miles check out pumpkin plants that have come up in our composting material. Doug said that they were giant pumpkins as he had dumped the rotting giant pumpkin into the compost last year?

2nd November: Today Jacob, Liam and Miles planted pumpkins that were grown from seeds in Doug's Hot House.  Our potatoes and Swan Plants are looking good.

25th of September:  Today we planted seeds of parsnips, lettuce, dill, cucumber and more radish

25th of September: The taste test of the of the first of the radish did not go so well

25th of September: Wow the peas are up after only 14 days

25th of September:  We all got some loot to take home from our winter garden, a cabbage each some kale and herbs.

11th of September:  Today we planted spinach, runner beans, radish, turnips and spring onions

11th of September:  We plant runner beans under the tee pee we made to support them when they start "running"

11th of September:  Seedlings ready for planting

11th of September:  Our seedlings that we grew in the covered way are looking good

1 comment:

  1. It is good to see young people getting into the gardening sence not many people have to knowledge of gardening and horticulture
