21st August: It was a sunny day at long last and
we all had a great time at the Nowell’s Lakes Walkway for our big planting day.
Jacob gave a speech to thank the Lions Club guys and Doug who got
everything ready for us showed us what to do.

7th August: The rain could not stop us today as we are the Habitat Heroes. We had two big cars to fill up with the best of our plants from out of our shade house. Then off to the Nowell’s lakes Walkway to dump them into the long grass ready for planting.
20th June: Today we are the Bird House Building Heroes. These old dried out gourds are perfect for making a home for smaller birds. We will hang them up in trees now even though it is not nesting time for another couple of months as Doug says a mummy birds always takes a while to make up her mind about things.
23rd of May: So back to the Nowell’s Lakes Walkway today and that is always fun. We first had to plant another 30 Hebe’s along the Walkway track and then we could explore. We even had time to go onto the lakes for morning tea.
Doug and Mike looked after us today and said that we were
good. Well ... mostly we were good? Hey... you can tell by by the photos we were angels!
We found a darling little green frog who, came to say hello to everyone.
We did not think anyone was home in the bird houses and saw that there was still tons of food for the Monarch Caterpillars.
11th April: Today we went to the Nowell's lakes Walkway to plant the Hebe
Plants that we had growing in our shade house. We had 60 of these nice little plants ready but decided to only to plant half of them this month and the rest will go in next month.
Doug said that these Hebe’s are a special that grow with lovely dark blue flowers with nectar to feed the Monarch Butterfly.
21st March 2017: Here are we the Enviro Class of 2017, Miles, Sienna, Olivia, Amy and Jason checking out the good growth of this season’s Swan Plants. We have lots of Monarch Butterfly hatching out and it is good fun seeing how they do it.
we weeded the native seedlings in our shade house and getting them ready for
planting out at the Nowell's Lakes Walkway. Jason is doing a good job
hosing out after our hard work.
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