Friday, December 1, 2017

Enviromental Champs

But who knew?

The Taranaki Reginal Council has made 16 Environmental Awards for 2017 and, as always, there was a real buzz at the presentation ceremony on 9 November. 

The overwhelming feedback each time is that so many people aren’t aware of the fantastic work taking place all over the region to care for and improve the environment. The awards are a great way to showcase and recognise these efforts.

Presenting the awards, Council Chair David MacLeod praised the commitment and determination of the award winners, saying it explains why Taranaki is at the forefront in environmental achievement in so many ways.

“If there was a Ranfurly Shield for good work in the environment, we’d have that in our trophy cabinet too,” he says. 

Pictured:  HCS Habitat Heroes' who were among this year's Environmental Awards winners. Winners and video profiles:

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Big Planting Day

We the Habitat Heroes led our whole school along with teachers and parents to the Nowell’s Lakes Walkway to plant out our native plants.  The Normanby Lions Club guys had places ready for the planting and showed us what to do.  The best part was the sausage sizzle that they put on for us all at lunch time.   Go to the “2017 Class” page to see more.   

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Plant Transfer

Today we started shifting our native plants grown in our shade house, to the Nowell's Lakes Walkway, ready for the big planting day latter this month.  The Chairperson of the Nowell's lakes Walkway Trust Mrs Jan Dunlop came to help us.   She said that the Trust was very pleased with all our good work.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Bird House Builders

So today Doug has got us building Bird Houses.   We are using the Gourds that we grew previously in our garden at the school now that they are nicely dried out.   These are bird homes for sparrows so we have to make sure that the front doors are only large enough to fit them and not those bigger and naughty starlings who might like to think that they could take over.     

Monday, May 22, 2017

Another Visit

Today we had another visit to the Nowell’s Lakes Walkway to plant more Hebe’s.  We worked hard and got these into the ground real quick so that gave us time to explore. Here we are amongst the Swan Plants pretending to be caterpillars.  See more on our 2017 Class Page

Monday, April 10, 2017

Autumn Planting

We came to plant Hebe plants at the Nowell's lakes Walkway but we had much more fun talking to the frogs.  This lovely little green frog told us that this autumn with all its rain really suited her family.  Go to our 2017 Class page to see photos of our planting work.